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RE: Type II Poisson Errors (REPOSTED)
I think you are posing a very interesting question. Poisson statistics
are applicable when we are dealing with a counting problem. When one
mentions 'background' to any HP person, or, for that matter to most
physicists, their immediate urge is to want to subtract it somewhere.
Now, the Poisson distribution has the fairly unique and valuable
property that the variance is equal to the average. Futher, the sum of
two Poisson distributions (say, background and say, source) is again a
Poisson distribution. But, and this is a big BUT, the difference is in
general NOT a Poisson distribution. So, having lovingly subtracted the
background, you have destroyed the Poisson distribution of your data.
Makes one think, doesn't it.
One redeeming feature is that the equivalent Normal gaussian
distribution is very similar for anything above about 20 'events' (with
SD = square root of 'mean') in a given time, but obviously the main
difference lies in the tails (Poisson stops at 0), if one is willing to
overlook the continuous nature of the Gaussian. But here one must also
remember that variances ADD, so subtraction should be avoided, if
possible. Hope these pointers are useful. Own thoughts.
Chris Hofmeyr
-----Original Message-----
From: james.g.barnes@att.net [mailto:james.g.barnes@att.net]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 7:45 PM
To: RadSafe Bulletin Board
Cc: james.g.barnes@boeing.com
Subject: Type II Poisson Errors (REPOSTED)
PLease forgive me if this is a repost. I am in the
process of shifting email accounts, and the first posting
may have been lost in the shuffle. . . .
We have been working with determining detection levels in
some low background count situations, and have been
examining the counter behavior using Poisson statistics.
Poisson statistics will basically allow one to calculate
a cumulative probability of the number of counts a person
would see for a given count with an expected background
for that count period. This approach appears to
calculate a value that could be considered (I suppose)
equivalent to a "Type 1" scenario (i.e., roughly
equivalent to the Decision Level; prone to "false
positive" detections).
Is there an approach using a poisson distribution that
calculates something akin to the Type II error (i.e, the
LLD value that anticipates and corrects for false
positive events). I have looked at all the usual
references, but haven't seen any treatment of this. Is
"LLD" even a meaningful concept in a Poisson
Jim Barnes, CHP
Radiation Safety Officer
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