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RE: [riskanal] Flogging a hobby horse


Thank you for such a interesting piece.  I appreciate the time it took you

to write it.

-- John 

John Jacobus, MS

Certified Health Physicist 

3050 Traymore Lane

Bowie, MD  20715-2024

E-mail:  jenday1@email.msn.com (H)      

-----Original Message-----

From: Dukelow, James S Jr [mailto:jim.dukelow@PNL.GOV]

Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 6:39 PM

To: 'radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu'

Subject: FW: [riskanal] Flogging a hobby horse


There is a lot of misinformation floating among the public, the technical

community, and, now, RADSAFE, regarding the role of asbestos insulation in


collapse of the WTC towers.  I am posting to RADSAFE as message I sent a few

days ago to RISKANAL that presents two sides of the issue in somewhat



. . .


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