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RE: Nukes in Space...
If you're using Outlook, you just set the default to delete mail from any
given address and you don't see it unless you look in your delete file and
notice the mail that was never opened. With AOL, you simply block mail from
any given address. I'll bet most services have similar features.
Jack Earley
Radiological Engineer
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Frantz [mailto:sfrantz@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2001 9:44 PM
To: radsafe
Subject: Nukes in Space...
I try to resist answering, but this is too ridiculous...
Norm Cohan writes - - -
I'm Ok with nuclear powered space craft as long as they are
launched in such a way (like from the space station) that there
is no chance of their falling back to earth.
End quote - - -
And exactly how does the plutonium fuel get to the space station
in the first place? By rocket.
Norm Cohen writes later in the same posting - -
I suggested waiting until we had the techology necessary to
safely rocket the waste into the sun via an equator elevator
system which would lift the waste into orbit, and then oone
could send it into the sun. (picked this idea up from an article
years ago in Analog magazine).
End quote - - -
I read that SCIENCE FICTION story at the time and the author
explained how it was impossible _even in theory_ to build
anything like that. As long as you draw your science from Analog
magazine, you must expect some ridicule.
Besides, why is the magical elevator safer than rockets? The
point of the story was that it was cheaper.
Sending nuclear waste to the sun is an absurd idea for many,
many reasons that I won't go into; unless someone wants to start
a thread on it.
Now, back to starving the stray dog and hoping he goes
Stephen Frantz
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