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Naval Nuclear Fuels Question
Having attended Navy Nuclear Power School over twenty years ago, my
memory has obviously failed me. During a discussion last week, a debate
started over the naval reactor fuel matrix make-up (the meat). I think I
remember being taught that the navy used a uranium oxide matrix with a
niobium coating. The other debater believed uranium fuel was processed
as a metallic matrix (excluding the cladding of course). Yesterday, he
presented evidence to support his claim that "fuel elements contained
uranium 235 in a metallic form" and "fuel elements consisting of
uranium-zirconium alloy clad with zirconium..." The reference sites
information for the Mark I reactor design and a time frame of March,
1950, however, I attended nuc school in 1980.
My question: Did the navy switch from a metallic fuel matrix (as
presented in the reference I was given) to an oxide fuel matrix sometime
after 1950, and if so when?
I can only accept responses which site a creditable reference, and which
is NOT security classified. I need this information for technical
reasons, not just to prove that I still have a good memory. Any insight
would be greatly appreciated, as I have looked, but have not found.
Please respond directly to me, as this is probably not a topic that
everybody on Radsafe wants to know about.
As always, thanks in advance for your fantastic support!
Michael McDonald, CHP, RRPT
MACTEC Constructors
Grand Junction, Colorado
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