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Re: Shipyard workers and references
"Do you think the Navy and DOE want to pay people for radiation-induced
cancers?" The answer to that is no. However, it is an irrelavent question.
The Navy and DOE do not and will never pay people for any radiation-induced
cancers. The taxpayers have paid and will pay for whatever the politicians
think will get the most votes in future elections. To the Navy and DOE the
money paid for political benefits is "other people's money". There has
never been a program to pay for "radiation induced cancers", unless one
considers all cancers to be "radiation induced".
Don Kosloff dkosloff1@msn.com
2910 Main Street, Perry OH 44081
----- Original Message -----
From: "jenday1" <jenday1@EMAIL.MSN.COM>
To: "RADSAFE" <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2001 8:04 PM
Subject: RE: Shipyard workers and references
> Do you think the Navy and DOE want
> to pay people for radiation-induced cancers?
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