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Re: Fw: Fw: Ship Yard Workers - John Boice
Gotcha, John!
Indeed, UV- (B? NOT the frequency blocked by ozone) is associated with
melanoma."Cases were more likely to burn than tan, - more moles, - and had less
sun exposure prior to diagnosis." (LLNLMelanoma Study).
However, rickets, a bone malformation from deficient vitamin D, is well-known
to be prevented or cured by sunlight. This seems to refute the LNT for part of
the spectrum which includes x -and gamma rays!
Also, "Radiation deficiency" would be a better term than emdef, since other
ionizing radiation is intended for inclusion.
Howard Long
jenday1 wrote:
> Howard,
> I am not sure if you were kidding about the emdef, but I would ask you first
> to reconcile the fact that UV radiation, which falls into your
> "electromagnetic wave deficiency of higher frequency than the
> long-recognized need for sunshine," is good for you considering the risks of
> melanoma? See http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/tanning.html Or are you excluding UV
> from your emdef?
> Also, I would be careful about dealing with Jim Muckerheide. He does take
> lightly people who disagree with him.
> Happy New Year to you, also.
> -- John
> John Jacobus, MS
> Certified Health Physicist
> 3050 Traymore Lane
> Bowie, MD 20715-2024
> jenday1@email.msn.com (H)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <hflong@postoffice.pacbell.net>
> To: "jenday1" <jenday1@email.msn.com>; <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>
> Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 12:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Fw: Ship Yard Workers - John Boice
> John and Radsafers,
> Happy New Year!
> I believe 20002 will be happier for increasing recognition and treatment of
> emdef, deficiency of electromagnetic wave deficiency of higher frequency
> than the long-recognized need for sunshine.
> I predict for 2002, that, as rickets and vitamin D deficiency took a long
> time to be recognized (pallid ladies being popular just a century ago), and
> the
> risks of hypercholesterolemia became apparent only in the current epidemic
> of
> heart attacks, so, too, will emdef risks finally be recognized and treated -
> susceptibility to cancers and infections, slower wound healing (including
> surgical), and diminished longevity.
> . . .
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