What does the word radura mean? - This question was made during my speech at Agricultural School, Univ. of Rio de Janeiro. I was lucky because I knew about, as nuclear regulator. Today at the LATIN LANGUAGE homepage http://www.aboutlatinlanguage.com/article1347.html I found it again, for this reason, I decided to sent do RADSAFEradura The "radura" is a symbol that indicates a food product has been "treated with irradiation instead of chemicals to control insect infestation." The Food and Drug Administration requires that this logo must appear on packages of foods that have been "treated by ionizing-pasteurization" or "treated by electron-pasteurization" to inhibit spoilage and "eliminate pathogenic bacteria, insects and parasites." From the Latin verb radio, radiare, "to gleam, emit rays, radiate" and from the Latin noun radius, "a staff, rod, stake, spoke of a wheel," this word has been used on occasion with the noun sol, solis to indicate a "beam of light." Likewise, the Latin noun radix, radicis [a "root" which radiates from a central source] is etymologically related to the verb radiare. Related Derivatives: radio, radius, radium, radar, and ray.