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Re: Stop the madness
> NO It ain't OUR FAULT!!
I agree the current situation isn't all of our faults. However, we must ask ourselves,
why is there such an anti-nuclear attitude out there, and, why has it grown to the
extent that the opposition is worldwide. This just didn't happen by itself. I'm sure that
you'll recall when there was a time where anything nuclear related was touted a as a
good thing. The public gave full support, and wanted more. So, why did this change?
What made the public turn away from something that was once considered good?
One must look at the root causes, and I believe that was what Bill is attempting to do.
The pubic loses confidence in anything, be it nuclear, chemical technology, politics,
when their confidence is shaken. Unfortunately, there have been occurrences that
have indeed, shaken the public's confidence with respect to anything nuclear
(fortunately this hasn't been a serious issue when it comes to medical exposure).
There have been incidents throughout the world. This shakes confidence. There
have been outright fraud and deception on the part of some utility management, and
when this became public knowledge, that too shook the public's confidence. For all
practical purposes, there isn't much of a nuclear advertising campaign, as there is
with the anti-nuclear forces, so, our message doesn't get out. On the other hand,
even if we did have a serious advertising blitz, would it be received favorably? I'm not
so sure.
So, it may not be all our faults, but if one truly assesses the situation, one has to
agree that the nuclear industry itself, must share most, if not a significant percentage
of the fault, do to our actions, or, inactions. This just didn't happen under its own
inertia, and, if the anti's messages were baseless, then why has the public embraced
it so fervently? Unless we look deep inside, we'll continue to have this debate, and
continue to point everywhere else, except into the mirror.
Sandy Perle Tel:(714) 545-0100 / (800) 548-5100
Director, Technical Extension 2306
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Service Fax:(714) 668-3149
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. E-Mail: sandyfl@earthlink.net
ICN Plaza, 3300 Hyland Avenue E-Mail: sperle@icnpharm.com
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Personal Website: http://sandy-travels.com
ICN Worldwide Dosimetry Website: http://www.dosimetry.com
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