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Re: stop the madness

Those interested in who was saying what about the potential for

nuclear power in the 50's should take note of a series of articles in

Scientific American in the period 1948-54.  These were collected in

a book titled "Atomic Power," published by Scientific American in

1955.  One article in the collection is "The Price Per Kilowatt-Hour,"

by Sam Schurr, identified as the Director of the Energy and Mineral

Resources Program of Resources for the Future, Inc., a "recently

organized conservation group."  In that article, Schurr describes a

study of the economics of nuclear power by the Cowles Commission.

He explains quite clearly how the commission determined that the

minimum cost of electricity from a nuclear powered steam plant

would be about 4 mills per kilowat-hour, well above the too-cheap-

to-meter level.

> From: "dkosloff1" <dkosloff1@email.msn.com>

> To: "Jerry Cohen" <jjcohen@prodigy.net>, <Icnscp@AOL.COM>,

>         <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>

> Subject: Re: stop the madness

> Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 12:49:56 -0500


> I have in front of me a microfilm copy of page 5 of the New York Times


> September 17, 1954. It has the following article; this is the article

> exactly as it appeared:


> Main Headline: ABUNDANT POWER



> Second Level Headline: It Will Be Too Cheap for Our Children to Meter,


> Tells Science Writers


> Rear Admiral Lewis L. Strauss chairman of the Atomic Energy



> I have several documents that indicate that AEC and "nuclear

> industry" personnel were realistic about the costs of nuclear power, I


> like to have some records that support the contention that the the


> industry" ever promised that nuclear electricity would be "too cheap


> meter".


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