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RE: " Candu revamp aimed at boosted sales... to potential buyers in E urope and the U.S. "
Haven't operated any Candus, but on Western reactors, and now probably all,
when you have a loss of coolant, you inject "cold" water into the core to
make it up, initially increasing the density of the moderator, therefore
increasing the thermal neutron population and thermal fissions.
Jack Earley
Radiological Engineer
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael McNaughton [mailto:mcnaught@LANL.GOV]
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 11:56 AM
To: Franta, Jaroslav; Radsafe (E-mail)
Subject: Re: " Candu revamp aimed at boosted sales... to potential
buyers in E urope and the U.S. "
At 02:28 PM 02/12/2002 -0500, Franta, Jaroslav wrote:
>Losing the cooling water in the current Candu actually speeds up the
>nuclear fission
Could someone please briefly explain why?
Mike McNaughton
Los Alamos National Lab.
email: mcnaught@LANL.gov or mcnaughton@LANL.gov
phone: 505-667-6130
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