People do not need a PhD in nuclear or environmental science
to understand background radiation, relative radiation doses, or hormesis.
They do need to be told the truth in an accurate and reasonably complete
manner. They also need to be taught a few simple facts. They are not
told the complete truth about radiation and they are not taught the few simple
facts that they need to know. However, the concept of hormesis is
understood by most people, even though they are not familiar with the
word. Why would it be that people are not even taught the name for such a
common and important concept?
Paul Tsongas explained his rational position on radiation and
radiation phobia quite clearly after his life was saved with large doses.
But he could not overcome Bill Clinton's nuclear lie (sorry Ruth) in the
Colorado primary. There is some irony that one of the hotbeds of
anti-nuclearism is in Boulder Colorado. If those students were really
afraid of radiation and knew anything about natural radiation, they
certainly wouldn't go to college in Colorado. They live where they get an
annual dose of 1 Rem and demonstrate against nuclear power plants. That is
not the result of knowledge and rational thought.
Don Kosloff
2910 Main Street, Perry Oh 44081