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RE: Comments on the West Wing episode
> the real issue I see in some of this debate, is whether you are
implying categorically that under no circumstance, can there ever be
an accident involving transportation of nuclear materials, of any
kind, where there will be any adverse consequences.
Sandy et al.:
I won't speak for Ruth or anyone else. But yes, I maintain that it is
physically impossible for a shipping cask with several years cooling to be
mishandled in any credible way, so as to disperse sufficient quantities of
fission products in respirable or ingestible form, over sufficient distance
to create a significant health problem for a significant number of people.
(I discount rampant panic, because that would be preventable if we tell
people the truth about the situation.)
I'd be interested in knowing how many agree with me on this one point. And
for those who believe that there is a credible scenario that could in fact
create a significant public health problem, I would appreciate learning how
that could be done.
I post that challenge, not in any belligerent or provocative way, but among
friendly colleagues. I'd really like to know. I'll say in advance that if
injury requires someone to stand around the scene for days, or if injury is
predicated on adding up trivial doses for a large population and applying
LNT, then I don't count that as a realistic terrorist goal.
I really do want to know what people think about this, and what they base
their conclusions on.
Ted Rockwell
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