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Here is a quote from Sandy's news post.  There are many, many

interesting points in this article.  Just a few:

-I wonder if Mr. Passer also does brain surgery in addition to his

activities as a realtor and a radiation safety expert.  

-I wonder how much profit he is hoping for by heroically championing the

cause of radiation safety?

-I wonder why Hollywood ignores the cell phone issue.  The evidence of

cell phone cancer is - to me - just as convincing as that for LLR. Also,

a regular land line also has those dangerous "conductors" that can carry

the same sort of radiation right up to your ears.  But then, no phone =

no agent = no deal.  Its a Hollywood gota-have-it.

-Have you noticed that early on in this game the word radiation was

liberally applied?  While this is technically correct, I don't see these

people shying away from the visible spectrum radiation emitters that

light the way to the bathroom at 3 am.  It also seems to have little

effect on the radiation browning booths, but perhaps that's another

Hollywood gota-have-it device.

-There is a tragic humor in the fact that gullible people feel safer

with these hi-tech battery drains as they gab away at 70 mph and 10% of

their attention on the road before them.


Radiation Safe Helps Protect Cell Phone Users

LAS VEGAS, April 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Cell phone radiation is a growing 

controversial issue that concerns millions of cell phone 

users.  Radiation Safe Cell Phone Accessories, and it's recently 

introduced website, www.stopradiation.com , informs consumers 

about cell phone radiation and offers radiation reducing products 

that are not available in the general marketplace. 

Michael Passer, Radiation Safe founder, and a realtor by trade, was 

first alerted to the potential risks of cell phone radiation when a 

brain cancer victim spoke to his real estate office.  Passer said, 

"This guy was convinced that his tumor was caused from extensive 

cell phone usage.  I'm just not willing to risk my family's health." 



	Gary Isenhower




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