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Re: Banned from Yet Another List

I have recieved a tremendous amount of personal feedback with regard to

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Know_Nukes/message/3148 ,

both positive and negative.  I greatly appreciate it.  Please forgive me for 

taking up further space on RadSafe and Know_Nukes addressing the rather 

trivial issue of me being banned yet again.

First, to the anti's...

I stand proudly behind my statements that using plutonium warheads to 

produce electricity is the only way to get them off the face of the earth 

and out of the hands of terrorists.  I don't know why some think that their 

viewpoints are so absolutely correct that others should not have the chance 

to express theirs.  That is rather arrogant.  Please, feel free to express 

whatever (nuclear-related) views you like at Know_Nukes.  I assure you that 

you will learn a thing or two.  That is, assuming you wish to learn and 

don't simply have a closed mind.

However, it is quite clear that the reason I was banned from the little 

Sierra listserve was a post I made to RadSafe, and the desires for my 

censorship from a few list members.

That's fine with me.  It is just another example of who has things to hide.  

I put my words out for public view, for public scrutiny, because the facts 

are on my side.  Others cower on private lists, because they

are afraid to have their words critically reviewed.  It works against them.

I debate words.  Not affiliations nor political affiliations.  I don't care 

if you are the CEO of Greenpeace or an anonymous email address; I will treat 

you the same.  It is what you write that concerns me.

I am not a fanatic.  I realize that all technologies have their problems and 

benefits.  The difference is, I acknowledge them.  If you are against MOX, 

you are pro-weapons, whether you know it or not.  If you are against Yucca, 

you are pro dry-storage.  If you are anti-nuclear power, you are pro coal 

power.  And so on.  In each case, you are part of the problem, not the 

solution, IMO.  I'd be gald to discuss these issues further, but I prefer it 

to be in public, rather than private.  My time is limited since I do this on 

my own time, and I prefer to have a large impact for my time spent.  No 

offense intended, but I don't see you changing your views.  Join me at 

Know_Nukes where a large pro- undecided- and anti-nuclear audience listens.  

If you are worried about anonymity, you needn't be.  See



I strictly enforce these rules, and my personal integrity is such that even 

you can trust me.  My word is my word.

To the pro's:

Believe me, there is so much more that I do than you see on RadSafe.  I have 

taken action on every one of Maury's suggestions (big, big kudos to Maury),  

I hope that you will do the same.  I try to be professional (although I do 

this on my own time), but I occasionally blow.   I greatly appreciate your 

encouragement.  It motivates me.

Ironically, those that claim they do not want me around their lists, come to 

my list (Know_Nukes).  They don't want me to speak or listen where they hang 

our, but I WANT them to speak where I do.  I want them to listen and learn 

from me, and vice versa.  I learn a thing or two from them.  Norm is cool 

(most of the time :-)).

If only 10% of the industry would do something every day to counter the 

misinformation of literally hundreds of groups out there, there would be a 

groundswell of support for nuclear technologies.  Unfortunately, I am not 

the smartest guy around, and that's why I encourage the better-armed to join 

me in what I can only classify as a battle for truth, for the benefit of 



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half-car-length in front of you signals to get over, slow down.  Smile and 

say "hi" to the folks you pass on the sidewalk.  Give blood.  Volunteer.


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