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RE: Physicians Speak Out Against Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Transports Through Utah

I hope you've sent a copy of this to him to give him the opportunity to

respond. He wouldn't answer the question directly, but at least ignorance

could then be eliminated as an option.

Jack Earley

Radiological Engineer

-----Original Message-----

From: Tim [mailto:tstead@ntirs.org]

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 6:21 PM

To: radsafe

Subject: Re: Physicians Speak Out Against Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste

Transports Through Utah

--- Sandy Perle <sandyfl@EARTHLINK.NET> wrote:

Read the following passage CAREFULLY.  Notice any


> "You've seen just in the last month a number of

> tragic rail 

> accidents.  Even the Energy Department says that

> inevitably, there 

> will be derailments of trains heading to Yucca

> Mountain.  I had a 

> train derailment in my district a year ago in

> Webster Groves, 

> Missouri, where a whole train turned over.  Luckily,

> it was only 

> coal, but it was coal that was spilled a few feet

> from homes and 

> schools in Webster Groves, Missouri.  And the people

> in Webster 

> Groves in the days since then have said to me, what

> if it had been 

> not coal but nuclear waste?

Here is the issue at hand.  Anyone that knows anything

about Yucca Mountain KNOWS how the waste will be

transported.  Your average person knows how coal is

transported - in open containers that are *designed*

to empty their load when they tip.  That is how they

are unloaded on-site for crying out loud!  That is NOT

how nuclear waste will be transported.

So, the question that BEGS an answer is why didn't

Gephardt answer those questions - what if that coal

had been nuclear waste?  He could have assured his

constiuents that nuclear waste is transported in

virtually indestrctible containers that would not have

broken open and leaked anything if it had been on that

train instead of coal.

If Gephardt knew anything then he would have answered

the question.  So, why didn't he and why is he still

showing his ignorance?  Is he just incompetent to

answer a simple question or did he purposefully hide

the truth in order to deceive his constituents?

There is no other answer.  Either Gephardt is just

plain ignorant when it comes to Yucca Mountain (in

which case he has no business talking about it in the

first place) or he is just a sociopathic liar.

I'd love t know which it is.



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