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RE: FWD:virus

All - I always check on the Hoaxbusters website

(http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HBMalCode.shtml)whenever I receive messages

such as this one.  It has saved me lots of time and worrying, as many of

these warnings turn out to be hoaxes.  This is what I found for jdbgmgr:


The Jdbgmgr Hoax

April 2002

"The jdbgmgr hoax is almost the same as the sulfnbk hoax in that it tells

you to delete a program that was installed with Windows. jdbmgr.exe is the

Java Debugger Manager and does have an icon that looks like a Teddy Bear. It

is not, normally, a virus. As with all executables, it is not impossible to

have a copy of jdbmgr.exe that is infected by a virus but that virus will be

detected by your antivirus software"


I suggest you check it out, and use the information as you wish.

- - Mike McKenzie-Carter

-----Original Message-----

From: Jim Nicolosi [mailto:jfnicolosi@tds.net] 

Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 11:01 AM

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:@list.vanderbilt.edu;

Subject: Fw: virus

Virus alert...Read Below...I got this message...I have an active virus scan

on email (which I had updated yesterday) and it did not detect it...heads


----- Original Message -----

From: "JohnSpringer" <johnspringer@jkspringer.com>

To: "Nchamblee" <nchamblee@jam.rr.com>; "Waclmc2k@gateway. net"

<Waclmc2k@gateway.net>; "Allan Neumann" <aneumann@dssi-tn.com>; "Allan

Neumann" <aneumann@dssi-tn.com>; "Neil Newton" <neil_n@hotmail.com>; "Jim

Nicolosi" <jfnicolosi@tds.net>; "Barbara J Nunnally" <BarbNunnally@aol.com>;

"Nunnally, Betsy" <enunnall@utk.edu>; "Betty Nunnally" <bettyln130@aol.com>;

"Bill Nunnally" <danunns@xtn.net>; "Chris Nunnally" <Nunnman@aol.com>; "Jim

Nunnally" <fairgodd@hotmail.com>; "Mike Nunnally" <moonwolf50@aol.com>;

"Steve Onks" <Steveo@Fleenorss.com>; "David@Love89. Org" <david@love89.org>;

"Roberta Parker" <ParkerRW@methodisthealth.org>; "Jane Parrott"

<nov@ornl.gov>; "Jane Parrott" <parrott@usit.net>; "Sheila Patel"

<sheilaipatel@hotmail.com>; "Carl & Ruth Perry" <onerightofrush@aol.com>;

"Retail@trendmicro. com. ph" <Retail@trendmicro.com.ph>; "John Platillero"


Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 11:49 AM

Subject: JKS: virus



> -----Original Message-----

> From: JohnSpringer [mailto:johnspringer@jkspringer.com]

> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 11:18 AM

> To: Rachel Springer; Mary Springer; John Springer; Esther Springer;

> Esther Springer; Esther Springer

> Subject: JKS: virus



> I did have this on my computer.  I will delete it daily for a while since


> will all be back and forth to each other until it is cleaned out.

> JKSpringer


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Ron Eken [mailto:eken@usit.net]

> Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 10:09 PM

> Cc: recipient list not shown:

> Subject: virus



> I just found out that I received a virus from someone that has my name

> in their email address book.  As a result, my address book on which I

> have your email address has also been infected by a virus called

> jdbgmgr.exe.  The virus is not detected by Norton or McAfee anti virus

> system.  The virus stays quiet for 14 days before damaging the system.

> It is sent automatically by the messenger and by the address book,

> whether or not I have sent emails directly to you.  I have found and

> deleted it.

>     1.  Go to start and click

>     2.  Go to find or search option

>     3.  In the files/folder option, write the name jdbgmgr.exe

>     4.  Be sure you search in your C: drive

>     5.  Click "find now"

>     6.  The virus has a little bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe.  DO


>     7.  Highlight the file

>     8.  Press the shift key and the delete key and the file will be

> removed from your hard

>          drive

>     9.  If you find the virus, you must contact all the people in you

> address book so they can eradicate it in their own address books.   I

> apologize for this, someone else sent it to me and here we are, so

> sorry.                            Carolyn









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