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Re: virus, hoax

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Von: Jim Nicolosi <jfnicolosi@tds.net>

An: Undisclosed-Recipient:@list.vanderbilt.edu;


Datum: Mittwoch, 15. Mai 2002 19:41

Betreff: Fw: virus

>Virus alert...Read Below...I got this message...I have an active virus scan

>on email (which I had updated yesterday) and it did not detect it...heads




>> I just found out that I received a virus from someone that has my name

>> in their email address book.  As a result, my address book on which I

>> have your email address has also been infected by a virus called

>> jdbgmgr.exe.  The virus is not detected by Norton or McAfee anti virus

>> system.  The virus stays quiet for 14 days before damaging the system.

>> It is sent automatically by the messenger and by the address book,


I received a similar warning and an "anti-warning", stating that the

jdbgmgr.exe is needed for Windows and one should not delete it, otherwise

Windows will not work. It is much safer to check the messages, not to open

the attachment and to delete the whole message including the attachment!!!

This is what I did, when I received a pornographic message, promising that I

would see and read more, when opening the attachment - which was that .exe

file. Btw, I am not interested in pornography, so this decision was very

easy to make......



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