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Re: Cohen's Ecologic Studies (R-squared)
OK - we might not be able to agree on everything, but we should be able to
agree on the meaning of a simple statistical indicator, such as the
R-squared value. Please consider the following:
3 counties, each with 3 million people. The number of smokers and lc deaths
per unit time (what ever that is) is as follows:
County 1 has 1 000 000 smokers and 10000 lc deaths.
County 2 has 1 000 001 smokers and 9900 lc deaths.
County 3 has 1 000 002 smokers has 10120 lc deaths.
Perhaps Drs. Cohen and Field could both calculate the R-squared value (I
think its pretty small) and explain how this value is related to the ability
to "account" for lc due to smoking.
(To me, this data doesn't show anything about a smoking-lc relationship, but
it doesn't disprove it either. The fact that R-squared is small gives no
clue about the correctness or incorrectness of anything. It just says that
it is a poor data set to use if you want to draw a conclusion about a
smoking-lc relationship. It might be a good dataset, if you are looking at
an "anything else-lc" relation.)
Thank You,
Kai, the poor miner trying to understand this stuff
----- Original Message -----
To: <EPIRAD@mchsi.com>
>> As for Dr. Cohen's
> > ecologic analyses, he can account for only about 30% of
> > the lung cancer mortality with his smoking data.
> --Wrong, wrong, wrong. The fact that R-squared is only 30% derives
> from the small up and down statistical variations. The true indication of
> predictability is the standard deviation of the slope of the regression of
> lung cancer on smoking prevalence which is very small percentage-wise
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