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Dumb questions and comments on ecological/case studies
Since it seems that we RADSAFERS cannot be explained to in terms simple
enough for posting and since is really important for us all - I'd like
to pose a few comments/questions that at least for me have a
considerable bearing on my understanding of this discussion. I would
very much appreciate it if the experts could answer the questions and/or
respond to the comments.
First - it seems that in nature NOTHING is simple - the very idea that a
response could be strictly linear seems completely unnatural.
It is also truly impressive that a small effect can be discerned let
alone quantitized or signed in the presence of an overwhelmingly large
Ok - lets say we start with the simplest case - one and only one effect
which is strictly and completely linear to the one and one one effect.
This case is just as simply mathematically so virtually anyone could
understand this one. Here data from any study should be as good as data
from any other whether aggregate or individual. OK?
Next step - two or more causes for one effect - all completely linear
AND independent. The arithmetic here would be JUST as simple and either
study would be as good - since linear is linear and average is average.
Straight forward.
BUT - now here is the first rub - I submit that the relation CANNOT EVER
be completely linear simply because the effect is not! Its binary -
cancer or no cancer! For the first case I don't believe the math
changes BUT for the second it certainly does because the agents can no
longer be independent - it is quite simply the case that once a cancer
is initiated (the hit is scored) it is out of the game. AT LEAST the
susceptible population is now changed and further exposures to this
individual no longer count. I also suspect - and this is not as well
thought out - that maybe the exposure prior to the hit being scored of
the agent that didn't cause the hit doesn't count either - and of course
there is no way of knowing which agent scored the hit.
So now we know the agents cannot be independent because of the nature of
the effect - if the response to the agent is also non linear it now
matters even more WHO was exposed and WHO got the cancer and HOW much
that person was exposed to. I have a hard time believing that this can
be discerned accurately by interviews and an even harder time
understanding how this can be factored out of aggregate data - which is
of course faceless.
Now this brings us to an obvious question - When do you stop counting
dose? Any dose from anything AFTER the cancer is initiated simple
doesn't count so what latency factors are used for the time before
diagnosis/death and is this accounted for in either of the studies and
how can it be discerned from aggregate data. NOTE I'm not asking how it
was corrected for or factored out - but how it was even discerned (if
this is even a valid/relevant question).
LASTLY - bet you never thought I'd get there - how about exposure after
diagnosis? Surely a lifelong addicted smoker is not going to quit or
slow down after diagnosis and was probably on the high end of the
consumption curve to begin with. This must SURELY be distorting in any
kind of study and in the aggregate data must account for the lions share
of the tobacco sales tax! Probably something like the 80/20 rule.
So - LNT is STILL only a hypothesis and regardless how much money is
made from how many awards based on LNT it is still only a hypothesis and
it is the job of scientists to debate and discuss and test hypotheses.
It is FAR from proven - it is merely incredible convenient - can be
calculated on a 4 function calculator.
So - if these questions/comments aren't too inane - they are state/posed
sincerely and seriously and I'd appreciate a serious answer. A simple
one if possible would be all the better.
ps - notice I didn't refer to lawyers at all.
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