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Effects of Tolerable Stress levels
Longevity and aging: beneficial effects of exposure to mild stress.
Minois N.
University of Minnesota, Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, 100
Ecology Building, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St Paul, MN 55108, USA.
Biogerontology 2000;1(1):15-29
Every organism has to deal with exposure to stresses. Animals have developed
various strategies to cope with stress. It appears that the developed
resistance to stress is often related to longevity. Some scientists have
advanced the hypothesis that the stress response may also counteract the
negative effects of aging, and that exposing organisms to a mild, sublethal
stress, inducing a stress response, may help them to live longer. Several
mild stresses have been reported to increase longevity (irradiation, heat
and cold shock, hypergravity, exercise, etc.), and one of them,
hypergravity, to decrease the rate of behavioral aging. The mechanisms
whereby these stresses increase longevity have not yet been elucidated.
However, the studies conducted so far show that they may involve metabolic
regulation and stress protein (hsps) induction.
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