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Re: Cohen's Ecologic Studies
In communicating with other epidemiologists, I believe I may
better understand your problems in understanding my papers. The goal of
epidemiology is to determine the dose-response relationship for
individuals. For this one must have a variety of information on those
individuals, and cannot use ecological data, that is data for groups of
people, such as averages for counties.
My study is NOT an epidemiological study in that definition, but
rather a test of the BEIR-IV LNT formula for risk vs dose from radon. I
use that formula to derive mathematically a relation between lung cancer
mortality rates, m, average radon exposure, r, and smoking prevalence, S.
This is a relation among ecological variables. If my test is invalid,
there must be a confounding factor, CF, that confounds the relationship
between these 3 quantities. In most cases, these CF can be represented by
ecological data, but I have identified and treated a few cases where
this is not sufficient.
You and other epidemiologists are disturbed by the fact that I do
not treat CF on the level of individuals. But there is no logical need for
considering them unless it can be shown that they lead to confounding of
the relationship betweer m, r, and S. When you express such objections, I
ask for an example of how they can affect that relationship.
I will be out of town for the rest of this week so will not be
reading my e-mail for a few days.
Bernard L. Cohen
Physics Dept.
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Tel: (412)624-9245
Fax: (412)624-9163
e-mail: blc@pitt.edu
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