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RE: BBC's "The Kitchen Table Nuclear Bomb"

Thanks for the tip-off, Tim.  I sent the following msg:


You should be ashamed of yourselves for publishing such blatantly erroneous

propaganda.  Instead of quoting "researchers" from a political activist

group, you should have checked with some knowledgeable nuclear weapons

people and identified your spokesmen by name.

If it were so simple to make a bomb, why would we have had to create a

multibillion-dollar network of facilities?  Germany and Japan looked into

the possibility of making an atomic bomb, and concluded it would be beyond

their national capability.

Your statement that a major public health hazard would result, if just the

chemical explosion worked and dispersed the plutonium, is  simply false; the

resulting situation would in all likelihood kill few if any persons.

In addition, it is NOT simple to separate weapons-grade plutonium from MOX.

It requires highly sophisticated facilities and specially-trained


Fear-mongering stories like this are a disgrace to journalism and a

disservice to humanity.


Friends: I think it's important to respond to such stories.  We shouldn't

let them stand without a squawk.

Ted Rockwell


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