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Rad Sources for Workshops
Hi folks,
The Texas Panhandle Chapter of the HPS is preparing a teacher workshop we'll be giving to local high school teachers this coming August and November. We'll be providing the teachers with survey meters (typically GM - similar to old Civil Defense meters). What we also need to provide these teachers are "radioactive sources". Commercially available sources are not an option since the schools have blown their budgets for this year - it may be an option in coming years. Fiestaware is rare and expensive. I'm thinking old radium dials might be an option but we will have lots of teachers and will need a good number of them. Old military dials might be available at surplus stores but our chapter budget is limited.
Do any of you have any ideas on sources we could use or that you have used for your demos or presentations?
Thank-you for your time and your help.
Wade Miller
Health Physicist
Pantex Radiation Safety Dept.
P.O. Box 30020
Amarillo, TX 79120
(work) 806-477-5943
(fax) 806-477-4198
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