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Re: Surviving a Dirty Bomb
It's available on the NRC Web page, or at:
The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
It's not about dose, it's about trust.
Curies forever.
Bill Lipton
Franz Schoenhofer wrote:
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: William V Lipton <liptonw@DTEENERGY.COM>
> An: maury <maury@WEBTEXAS.COM>
> Cc: Bud Yard <Bud.Yard@state.tn.us>; mlantz33@CYBERTRAILS.COM
> <mlantz33@CYBERTRAILS.COM>; loc@icx.net <loc@icx.net>;
> radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu <radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu>
> Datum: Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2002 13:39
> Betreff: Re: Surviving a Dirty Bomb
> >Current FDA guidance concludes that, "...studies following the Chernobyl
> accident support the etiologic role of relatively small doses of radioiodine
> in the dramatic increase in thyroid cancer among exposed children.
> Furthermore, it appears that the increased risk occurs with a relatively
> short latency. Finally, the Polish experience supports the use of KI as a
> safe and effective means by which to protect against thyroid cancer ..."
> ("Guidance - Potassium Iodide as a Thyroid Blocking Agent in Radiation
> Emergencies," FDA, December 2001)
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Bill, could you give a reference, where on the net I could retrieve this FDA
> guidance? While it is well documented and known (and only disputed by
> hardliners), that the occurrance of thyroid cancer especially in children in
> the vicinity of Chernobyl exceeded the expected one by far, I do not
> understand the "Polish experience". In some (relatively small) areas of
> Poland KI was adminstered. These areas were not exposed to any higher Ievels
> of I-131 than a large area of the "rest of Europe", including Austria, where
> no KI was used. I do not know of any reports, that claim enhanced thyroid
> cancer incidence in children or grown-ups in the "rest of Europe", not even
> from those groups that would correspond to those of my good foe and friend
> Norman Cohen.
> So, can anyone enlighten me, what the "Polish experience" is? Any data? Any
> facts? Any explanations?
> Best regards,
> Franz
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