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Re: Lochbaum on OSRE's
> Dave Lochbaum wrote:
> > The OSREs pit one or more mock attackers against
> the plant's
> > armed responders. Because the OSRE is a simulated
> attack, no
> > real weapons are used. Consequently, OSRE
> controllers are used
> > to determine outcomes throughout the OSRE. For
> example, the
> > mock attacker(s) do not really blow up locked
> doors, so the
> > controllers determine based on the amount of
> simulated explosives
> > carried if the door is breached. Likewise, when an
> attacker encounters
> > an armed responder, the controller determines who
> shot whom.
The issue is how to best simulate an attack to gauge
how well the security force repels it. Since real
weapons obviously can not be used, they have to make
the best out of it.
You have to rememeber that while these expercises are
going on, there are still plant workers that need to
do their job to ensure that the plant remains
operating safely. What if someone tried to attack the
plant WHILE the OSRE was going on (e.g. the guards did
not have live ammo).
How would the guards know to use live rounds because
it was now the "real" thing? Wouldn't that be very
dangerous for the mock attackers knowing that they
could be mistaken for a real intruder and killed?
It's not as easy as taking two teams to a remote (and
secure) area to commence war games with "laser tag"
type weapons.
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