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Once upon a time, many years ago II
Fifty two years ago today another episode in American history began to
unfold. The rumble, shrieking squeaks, and the deep roar of very heavy
duty engines began to grow along the border between North and South
Korea. The apprehension and concerns were soon resolved as a massive
movement of tanks materialized out of the north as they rolled into a
thunder struck, amazed population of South Korea. Thus began the Korean
War on 25 June 1950. This conflict ended with the invasion repelled and
a more firm boundry was established between the divided Koreas. But in
the meantime, a surprise envelopment of US forces by Chinese forces near
the Yalu River and Chosin Reservoir in the north inflicted terrible
casualties on US forces who thought they were about to conclude this
fight. In fact, the war continued for nearly three years before the
carnage finally ended. No nuclear weapons were used, but they were
considered -- a restraint which still continues more than 50 years
maury maury@webtexas.com
It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to
a fair trial. Charles M. Province
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