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RE: Normal Uranium or Natural Uranium?
I missed the orginal post on this topic, but it seems to be about uranium
series disequilbirium. The following text may be helpful to those
"Uranium-series Disequilibrium Applications to Earth, Marine, and
Environmental Sciences" 2nd Edition (1992) by M. Ivanovich and R. S. Harmon,
published by the Oxford University Press. The book is about 900 pages long
with an extensive list of references.
Jerry Falo
How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards. - Spanish
The statements herein are entirely the fault of the author and in no way
should be interpreted as official statements of any person or organization
unless otherwise noted.
Gerald A. Falo, Ph.D., CHP
Henry M Jackson Foundation Professional Associate
United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
Health Physics Program
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