Dear colleagues,
Reference: ROZENTAL, J.J, The Victims of a
Radiological Accident - International Debates of Victimology, VI Int. Symp. On
Victimology, Rio de Janeiro, 1991, WSV Publishing Monchengladbach, (1994)
AND SENSIBILITY FOR AN ACCIDENT- Goiania 10 Years Later, Proceedings of an
International Conference, Goiania, Brazil, 1997, IAEA
The Radiological Accident in Goiania took the population
completely by surprise: they did not realize what had happened and failed to
grasp what measures needed to be taken, a situation which precipitated a very
complex psychological reaction, translated into fear and depression of the
population and stigmatization and discrimination against the victims and the
main commercial products of the city. The intensity and confusion of the
emotions amplified the public reactions especially of those who suffered from
the effects of contamination, evacuation and losses.
It was monitored in Goiania 112,000 people, about 5.000 per day
during the early phase and due the above circumstances, I decided everyday to
save time, after the press interview, from 15.00 to 15.30 to visit families with
anxiety, and I learned that physical and emotional pain cannot be measured
objectively -- especially when urgent protective measures are being taken in the
early phase of an accident. The first thing the family offered was a glass of
water, just to be sure if I accepted to drink. Can you imagine how many liters
in this period I drank? ... Well this was the begin of an
unforgettable experience.
I am note sure, but at least I visited during the early and intermediate phase more than 100 houses, also I had the opportunity to receive many professionals in this area interested in social and psychological studies. Goiania was a practical Laboratory to confirm studies. One example you can find in the site: SENSIBLE FEAR, by Liisa Eranen Faculty of Social Sciences University of Helsinki P.O. Box 4 FIN-00014 University of Helsinki Publisher: Department of Social Psychology, University of
Helsinki Chapter 4 Psychological consequences of disasters 47 4.1 Trauma, stress and post-traumatic stress 48 4.2 Psychological consequences of nuclear accidents 60 · 4.2.1 Three Mile Island accident 62 · 4.2.2 Chernobyl accident 69 · 4.2.3 Goiania accident 73 Jose Julio Rozental Israel