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RE: What to do ? ? ?

At 11:12 AM 8/12/2002 -0600, Neil, David M wrote:

>The (ex) reprocessing plant was about 50 air miles away from I-15 at closest

>approach.  I wouldn't be surprised if your spike was the Hell's Half Acre

>lava field that I-15 passes through a few miles south of Idaho Falls.  No

>data, just an expectation based on theory.

Without digging into the GPS logs and the Aware RAD logs too deeply, that 

would be approximately in keeping with the times I passed through. I think 

the 1-minute max rate was ABOUT 30ĩR/hr. (from memory, I'm at work, my logs 

are at home). I guess if we had parked there, it would have been the 

highest on the trip...we parked at the Anaconda Berkeley Pit mine.




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