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Re: Truck carrying 'low-level' radioactive tools crashes

In a message dated 08/14/2002 7:45:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, muckerheide@attbi.com writes:

The killers are those that lie to them! The NCRP/ICRP/IAEA/BRER. Even the
reg agencies are not "the experts." They (the leaders) ignore their own
scientists to "follow the experts." I.e., BEIR et al.

It is much worse than that here in California.  The NCRP still recommends 100 millirem per year for public dose, but even that is not adequate for our honorable <cough, hack, ahem> representatives.  They are still seeking "zero" radiation above background for release of decommissioned sites, and wastes that are released from those sites (e.g., soil that has been deemed to be releasable for unrestricted use from a radiological standpoint, but which may contain hazardous elements).

The politicians are as much or more to blame than the NCRP, et al, because they are the ones with the power to seduce the monied class, and prevent any science from entering the debate whatsoever.  Want proof?  Go to www.senate.ca.gov, click on "Legislation," and search for SB 1444, SB 1970, SB 1623, SB 2065 or AB 2214, and read some of the committee analyses.  I haven't read those just out yesterday, so don't know where they've come to yet, but the early analyses are straight out of
Comedy Central for physics nerds.

A little knowledge is dangerous, but virtually no knowledge is terrifying.

Barbara  <---speaking solely on her own, little, unadulterated behalf