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Re: Enough is enough
HI Gregory
As one of the 'anti-nukes' in question I can say that you are right on the mark.
I haven't posted much in the last few months and you all still go and rip each
other a new one. And then some of you expect me to respect your opinions???
Hey, I thought for awhile you were pretty nasty to me, but at times you're
worse to each other. There ARE many people on this list whose opinions I
respect, though not always agree with, and I hope that those people can lead the
way for thje rest of you.
"Gibbons, Gregory J" wrote:
> I'll probably regret making this statement on RADSAFE, but I've noticed
> there are several folks on this list that make me really ill. I've only
> been re-subscribed to RADSAFE for a short period of time compared to some,
> but I'm noticing that there are several folks on this list who seem to think
> smearing every other rad health professional is the name of the game--hence
> the reduction in participants (I noticed at least one more just left
> today--courtesy of a little unnecessary rudeness, no doubt, that came from
> asking a question that was perfectly relevant and of interest to
> some--myself included). Seriously, this is a very different culture than
> the RADSAFE I knew 2-3 years ago when I was a student (thank goodness it
> wasn't like this then---at that time, people with nasty things to say to
> someone at least had the integrity to take it off-line)--can anyone tell me
> what has happened (privately, if you don't mind)? I do realize that
> everyone has an opinion (and a right to express it), but I think it is
> obvious that not only HPs subscribe to RADSAFE (we also have anti-nukes,
> environmentalists, general public folk, etc.) who I'm sure are not amused by
> our conduct (I can just imagine the anti-nukes and environmentalists must be
> quite amused to watch us "radiation professionals" bicker like little
> children in a sandbox---splitting hairs over really stupid arguments that in
> and of themselves often have no significant relevance to radiation
> protection whatsoever---at this point, all anti-nukes really need to do when
> things start to get quiet is occasionally throw in a little piece of
> controversial fodder and let the free-for-all games begin). If we want to
> be treated as being the educated professionals we are (and yes, those of us
> in radiation protection have an education (formal and/or through experience)
> and deserve to be treated as educated people---no matter who you are, what
> initials you have behind your name, the number of years you've been working
> in the radiation industry; you are fallible and subject to error just like
> the rest of us (if you feel otherwise, please speak up so the rest of us can
> be aware of it)---and as such, I would think that respect and dignity among
> professional peers would be an expectation that isn't unreasonable), we
> really need to shape up and act the part, folks.
> Greg Gibbons
> ************************************************************************
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