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Re: cartoon
The Tennessean has a reputation for being notoriously anti-nuclear and
for stirring up concerns regarding health effects at Oak Ridge (160
miles away). Several years ago they ran two series "Toxic Burn" about
the TSCA Incinerator (mixed waste/PCB incinerator on the Oak Ridge
Reservation) and "Toxic Burden" about alleged health effects from the
incinerator and other sources. They ran dozens of pages on these
"investigative" reports.
I was particularly impressed by the article where the reporter went door
to door in the small rural community nearest the incinerator asking if
people who lived there were ill and if they attributed it to the DOE's
facility. Of course they all thought that must be the cause of their
ailments ... chronic sinus infections, heart disease, diabetes,
impotence, etc., etc. Each person with their photo in the paper and all
of his or her ailments listed below. As you might imagine, very
scientific -- NOT!
Reasoned rebuttals from members of the community and the state
regulators were largely ineffective against the tide of ink. However,
members of the community did prevent the paper from receiving a Pulitzer
by pointing out the fallacies and misinformation to the committee.
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
102 Robertsville Road, Suite B, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Toll free 888-770-3073 ~ www.local-oversight.org
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