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Re: FW: talk to journos
He also had several Am241 smoke detector sources and some Be.
apparently enough to be detectable from a block away! I wonder if he
got a merit badge for his effort? ;0
RuthWeiner@AOL.COM wrote:
> In a message dated 9/1/02 6:15:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> sonterm@EPA.NSW.GOV.AU writes:
>> The famous 'radioactive boy scout' story, where some young fellow
>> collects
>> radium paint and thorium mantles and wraps them in alfoil to make
>> neutron
>> source etc finally contaminating his grandmother's toolshed (and
>> supposedly,
>> half the neighbourhood as well), is it an urban myth or did it really
>> happen?
> It may be famous but I never heard it. Radium-dial wristwatches have
> not been on the market for at least 40 years. Yes, thorium mantles
> are alpha emitters (we make cloud chambers using bits of thorium
> mantles) but how would thorium and radium interact with aluminum to
> make a neutron source? Can someone explain this?
> Ruth Weiner, Ph. D.
> ruthweiner@aol.com
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