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RE: No link between mobile phones and tumours - study
> Two points: 1. Correlation does not imply Causation!
> 2. Causation requires a Mechanism!
Causation requiers more than mechanism. Causation requiers Good and
repeated correlation, a dose -effect relationship is desireable, AND a
plausible mechanism .
> So, no causation, just some questionable correlations between minute
> effects. Smells like junk science to me! How do these people get money?!
Some of the guys I know , are doing the money by feeding the press with
the same disinformation. Then some of them get generous research grants,
some give expert opinions in Court, and some get money both ways. from time
to time I feel tempted to join them...
Dov (Dubi)Brickner MD
Beer Sheva ISRAEL
> Have a nice week,
> Fritz
> ************************
> Fritz A. Seiler, Ph. D.
> President
> Sigma Five Consulting
> P.O. Box 1709
> Los Lunas, NM 87031, USA
> Tel. 505-866-5193
> Fax. 505-866-5197
> e-mail: faseiler@nmia.com
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