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Heat comment (Q: Which ear do you use for your mobile phone?)
First thanks to those who already responded to the question.
I got a heat comment and figured that some information I have might be of
interest: I have been in touch with a person who was involved in actual
measurements. What he told me was essentially the following regarding the
superficial skin temperature:
1. Temperature without a mobile phone: 34 degrees C.
2. Temperature with a mobile phone held against the ear but not turned on:
37 degrees C.
3. Temperature increase with NMT phones: 1-2 degrees C (we don't have NMT
phones in Sweden any longer).
4. Temperature increase with GSM phones: About 0.5 degrees C.
It is important to note that this is for skin temperature. I assume that
extra heat inside the ear would be taken away by the blood cirkulation. One
may ask for parallels comparing with wearing a cap, spending the time in
sun, having fever, taking in too hot food/beverage.
My personal comment only,
Bjorn Cedervall bcradsafers@hotmail.com
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