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Re: variations in background
On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Michael G. Stabin wrote:
> I quite often cite levels of natural background radiation, for comparisons
> to other exposures. Sometimes, we say that very low exposures are "within
> the variability" of natural background. Can anyone tell me, for the US, what
> a reasonable value is for this variability? For Tennessee, we cite an
> average value of 3 mSv/y, but what would a reasonable estimate be for the
> variability of this number, for ex, one standard deviation? Thanks.
--This breaks down into two rather separate components, radon and
gamma rays. There is a great deal of info about the radon component, and
less about gammas. It would be difficult to give a standard deviation of
their sum. For radon, it would be most meaningful to give a geometric
standard deviation, something like 2.3.