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Re: Radon-Stirring the Pot
When I say "directly examine", I mean the lung cancer
risk estimates for redidential radon exposure were not
extrapolated from miners, but rather examined directly
by studying subjects who live in homes.
Obviously we have individual exposures for each
individual. However, we are not going to publish
findings that were not part of the Specific Aims of the
funded research. The objective of the study was to
examine whether or not residential radon exposure
contributed to lung cancer risk for women who developed
lung cancer in Iowa.
The N. American Pooling of residential radon studies has
sufficient sample size to look at the risk for non
smokers. The findings of this study have been reported
at both the American Statistical Association Meeting and
The International Indoor Air Meetings. The final paper
has been submitted for publication.
If you want to talk further about this, please email me
directly at bill-field@uiowa.edu.
Bill Field
> In a message dated 9/19/2002 7:53:11 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> epirad@mchsi.com writes:
> << Nonetheless, the residential radon studies do not have
> to rely on any LNT extrapolations since they directly
> examine the risk >>
> Bill, I don't know what you mean by "directly examine." Risk estimates are
> extrapolations anyway. The Iowa study does not provide a list of individual
> exposures, which is what I would have thought was meant by "directly
> examine". I really believe that to make your point you dshould publish the
> radon exposures of the non-smoikers in your cancer cohort, after correcting
> for secondary smoke.
> Moreover, your assessment of radon exposure was hardly "direct." The paper
> makes a lot of assumptions about times people spent at various rdon exposures.
> Ruth.
> RuthF. Weiner, Ph. D.
> ruthweiner@aol.com
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