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Re: Media dishonesty - science fraud
I was being facetious of course about all the people that "blame the media"
when this report plainly shows that the fraud is by NRC and Sandia, yet
This analysis could say the risk of melting a pot left on the stove could
kill thousands by assuming the metal is "weaponized" into ideal respirable
particulates that can remain airborne and cover many city blocks (even if
these are not the same size)!
This is inconceivable and purely dishonest, intended to defraud the gullible
public (media, politicians, etc.) to fear-monger and support ever increasing
regulatory powers and costs.
Will we start dealing with the real problem, and telling the truth?
Start with the "Science" paper in the Sep 20 "Policy Forum." If you donıt
have subscription access, you can get to the author's reprint service at:
http://cnts.wpi.edu/rsh/docs (left column)
Thanks Richard.
Regards, Jim
on 11/12/02 1:26 AM, Richard L. Hess at lists@richardhess.com wrote:
> At 08:22 PM 11/11/2002 -0500, Muckerheide wrote:
>> Friends,
>> The media's at it again.
>> See this Nov 10 article on nuclear plant spent fuel pool accident
>> devastation!
>> http://www.nyjournalnews.com/newsroom/111002/10spentfuel.html
>> Note the complete dishonesty of the article.
> So for the 5.999E9 people in the world NOT on this list, why would they
> **NOT** believe this?
> I see the last paragraph of the article once again pays homage to LNT.
> I saw the mention of Sandia Labs in this article--of course, that lends
> credibility to it.
> I wonder--would a Web site signed off by a few of you Ph.D.s be of use?
> Take the article and debunk it paragraph by paragraph?
> Do people still respect Ph.D.s?
> For a moment FORGET your industry and the jobs/benefits/etc., but rather
> think of the ANGST that this causes lay people.
> Cheers,(?)
> Richard
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