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Yes, I believe your are correct in that cooking does the job - the concern

is undercooked foods (e.g., pink hamburgers) or cross contamination -

handling raw meat, then a cooked hamburger and then letting it incubate

under a heat lamp for an hour (just as a wild example, not that I can ever

imagine that happening).  

but that leads me to another question - raw fish etc., (sushi, sashimi) has

great potential for bacterial contamination - and most health depts advise

against eating it.  I haven't been following the food irradiation thread -

but has there been any interest in irradiating these foods?  How has the

food irradiation debate been going on in Japan?  I would think this would be

an area where the benefits are tangible and measureable... sorry if this has

already been discussed to death...


Eric Frohmberg


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-----Original Message-----

From: J. Marshall Reber [mailto:reber@attbi.com]

Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:12 PM

To: Radsafe (E-mail)


Not being a Biologist or a Biochemist my layman's ideas might be

erroneous;  but I am under the impression that most all of the common

bacterial contaminations in meats can be killed by sufficient cooking.

However I have no idea what to do to remove free radicals or their

oxygenated products from irradiated meats.  Any ideas?


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