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RE: Thresholds for carciogens

Actually, the new (well, ok 2000) guidance for developing ambient water

quality criteria talks about the various options for threshold analysis for

carcinogens as well as non-threshold analysis for non-carcinogens.  See

chapter 3 of the following link for descriptions of the methodologies.  I

should note this is specifically for chemical toxicants, not rads.



Eric Frohmberg


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-----Original Message-----

From: M Nivas [mailto:motnivas@YAHOO.COM]

Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 12:21 PM

To: radsafe@list.vanderbilt.edu

Subject: Thresholds for carciogens

>From Risk Policy Report,12/12/02, Vol.9, Number 11.

Once again EPA is renewing a push to harmmonize

cancer, and noncancer approaches.

"Currently, EPA employs a conservative assumption for

carcinogens in deriving regulatory levels below the

observable range in toxicity studies.  But for

noncarcinogens, EPA assumes there is a "thresold" on

anmount people can be exposed to without experiences

any negative health impacts.

But employing the cancer guildines may allow the

agency to find that some carcinogens have "thresolds"

or safe levels of expoosure whish has sparked

opposition from environmentalists and public health


I am unable to download the article.  Nevehteless read

itif you can get a hold of it 


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