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Air pollution may alter genes
I thought this opinion piece might interest RadSafers. The story
references "examinations of animals exposed to radioactive dust from
nuclear accidents" (2nd paragraph). Does this refer to studies at
Chernobyl? What were the results and how do they compare to what is
reported below?
--Susan Gawarecki
Air pollution may alter genes
By David Suzuki
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Six years ago, scientists found that herring gulls living near steel
around the harbour in Hamilton, Ontario, tended to have high DNA
mutation rates. These mutations were then transferred to the next
generation of gulls, increasing the offspring's chances of developing
genetic diseases like cancer and birth defects. Researchers suspected at
the time that air pollution was causing the mutations, but they couldn't
eliminate other factors, such as polluted water or contaminated fish,
that also could have been responsible.
Now other scientists have published a paper indicating that air
is indeed the likely culprit behind the mutations. What's more, there's
no reason why human DNA should be immune from the same pollution.
So our genes may also be damaged and inherited by our children. It's
sobering to think that chemicals in our air affect us at a genetic
Few studies have been done on this topic outside examinations of
animals exposed to radioactive dust from nuclear accidents.
To examine the effect of air pollution, the researchers exposed two
groups of mice for 10 weeks — one just one kilometer (.62 miles) from
two of Hamilton's steel mills, the other 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) away
in a rural area. They fed both groups the same diet, gave them bottled
water and tended to them in the same way. Essentially, the only
difference between the two groups was the air they breathed.
The offspring of the group housed near the steel mills suffered from up
to twice as many mutations as offspring from the rural group. Those
"steel mill" mice also produced 20 percent smaller litters. The
researchers conclude: "We therefore attribute the effect on inherited
mutations in the offspring of sentinel mice directly to variation in air
quality between the steel and the rural field sites."
First gulls, now mice. There's a good chance that air pollution is
mutations in humans as well. Mice and humans are both mammals and
share 99 percent of the same genes. What's bad for them is generally
bad for us, too. In this case, the damage seems to affect mostly male
mice and their offspring, but the researchers caution that female mice
are likely not immune.
That male mice were especially affected is cause for concern, given that
they were only exposed to the polluted air for 10 weeks. Steelworkers
tend to be male and may be exposed to high levels of pollutants for
years. Similarly, those living in the immediate vicinity of mills will
exposed for long periods of time, thereby increasing the chances of
genetic damage.
Yet the steel industry response to the study was shocking. One industry
spokesperson actually told the Canadian Press: "We dismiss this study
as speculative and irresponsible." I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The
response is reminiscent of the tobacco industry line when confronted
with evidence of the harm caused by smoking. Rather than saying,
"Wow, that's a disturbing finding. We'll fund further studies and look
ways to reduce our emissions in the meantime," industry simply
dismisses sound science out of hand.
Tobacco and steel share another commonality: the chemicals thought to
be responsible for the mutations in the Hamilton mouse study are also
found in cigarette smoke. They're called polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons, or PAHs, a group of about 100 different chemicals that
are created largely when fossil fuels are burned, but are also found in
charred food and cigarettes. PAH levels around steel mills in Hamilton
are 50 times higher than in rural areas.
"There is an urgent need to investigate the genetic consequences
associated with exposure to chemical pollution through the inhalation of
urban and industrial air," the Hamilton researchers say. Indeed, with
the vast majority of us now living in urban areas and millions of people
exposed to air pollution from steel mills, coal-fired power plants and
automobiles, we cannot afford to simply accept the industry line of
doing nothing — especially when it could be the next generation that
suffers the most.
Susan L. Gawarecki, Ph.D., Executive Director
Oak Ridge Reservation Local Oversight Committee
102 Robertsville Road, Suite B, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Toll free 888-770-3073 ~ www.local-oversight.org
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