-----Original Message-----
From: John Jacobus [mailto:crispy_bird@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:40 PM
To: Know_Nukes@yahoogroups.com; radsafe
Cc: downwinders@yahoogroups.com; global-energyoptions@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Know_Nukes] Air pollution may alter genes
Jim Hoerner <jim_hoerner@hotmail.com> wrote:
[Article and followup comments]
Air pollution may alter genes
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
By David Suzuki
Six years ago, scientists found that herring gulls living near steel mills
around the harbour in Hamilton, Ontario, tended to have high DNA mutation
rates. These mutations were then transferred to the next generation of
gulls, increasing the offspring's chances of developing genetic diseases
like cancer and birth defects. Researchers suspected at the time that air
pollution was causing the mutations, but they couldn't eliminate other
factors, such as polluted water or contaminated fish, that also could have
been responsible.
Now other scientists have published a paper indicating that air pollution is
indeed the likely culprit behind the mutations. What's more, there's no
reason why human DNA should be immune from the same pollution. So our genes
may also be damaged and inherited by our children. It! 's sobering to think
that chemicals in our air affect us at a genetic level. Few studies have
been done on this topic outside examinations of animals exposed to
radioactive dust from nuclear accidents.
. . .
>Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 19:32:51 -0700
>From: Steven Dapra
>Subject: Re: Air pollution may alter genes
>If these findings are legitimate why aren't there already mutant children
all over the place around steel mills?
I think that it should be considered that the gene mutations found are obviously not determental to the gull, mice, or humans. If it was, the effects should have been reported if observed. Just because a gene mutation occurs should not lead to the assumption that it will lead to extra limbs, increased cancers etc. If I remember correctly, studies around Chernobyl found mutations in voles. Yet, the animal population flourished.
I think Ted Rockwell pointed out that cellular effects may not be seen at the level of the organism. I think that this holds true in this work.
-- John
John Jacobus, MS
Certified Health Physicist
e-mail: crispy_bird@yahoo.com
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