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Re: AARST Radon Scientist Claim Nation's Policy a Failure
Stewart Farber wrote:
> Hi Bill:
> I'm certainly not disputing that radon exposure in homes likely causes health
> effects. Whether it is an estimated 3,000 or 33,000 fatalities per year my major
> point is still the same. Why is our society so phobic about trivial exposures in
> the present or 10,000 years in the future from nuclear waste disposal and former
> nuclear defense site cleanup [which might result in a handfull of theoretical
> deaths per year at most], when estimated risks [numbering in the thousands per
> year] like those due to indoor radon get such lip service? Why is our nation
> willing to spend hundreds of billions of $ to "cleanup" former defense sites
> causing trivial exposures to anyone offsite or in elaborate schemes to reduce
> future doses from nuclear waste disposal [which many antis claim is an
> "unacceptable risk"] while at the same time we essentially ignore massive [by
> comparison] indoor radon risks? What's wrong with this picture? The hyprocisy is
> incredible.
A: Because its our government and NOT our parents! And therefore not a
government responsibility.
B: Because people feel they can move (yes Norm - or sue) if they find
themsleves in this situation and therefore have some choice/recourse.
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