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Decommissioned Sites

Radsafers –


I am looking for information on sites that have been successfully decommissioned and are now being reused for a new application – in other words structure not demolished or only parts of it were demolished.  An example would be the old Fort St Vrain NPP site that is now a fossil fueled power plant or the old UNC site in the Northeastern US that is now the site of a casino gaming establishment.  DOE sites are also included in my listing.  You can contact me off-line since this may not necessarily be of interest to everyone else here.  Thanks.


Lawrence E. Boing

Argonne National Laboratory

Decommissioning Program

9700 South Cass Avenue, Bldg 362

Argonne, IL   60439   


Phone 630.252.6729

Fax     630.252.5287



