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Re(2): Use of nuc. weapons in Iraq
probably you are right. Theoretically. Seen from 15,000 km away.
The story looks different for those who have to bear the consequences.
>The quickest way to end a war is to lose it.
True, but believe it or not, most Europeans don't even want to start it.
cheers, Peter
>All of this discussion seems so unnecessarily nit-picky!. No nation in
>its right mind agrees blindly to forswear the use of any weapon in its
>possession. That kind of advance commitment promotes the goals of neither
>negotiation nor the conduct of war. It all makes interesting(?) rhetoric
>for news media repartee or for opponents of a given national policy, but
>is of no value otherwise.
>This is as fruitless as the arguments over whether or not a nation has
>any "plans" for this, that, or the other contingency. Within the limits
>of national resources, of course they have plans. Those responsible for
>national defense would be derelict in their duties if they did not have
>plans covering as wide a range of possibilities as they can. The limits
>are simply the available resources.
>Should a catalog of such national contingency planning be publicized? Of
>course not!
Peter Bossew
Institute of Physics and Biophysics, University of Salzburg, Austria
home: Georg Sigl-Gasse 13/11, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
ph. +43-1-3177627, e-mail: p.bossew@magnet.at
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