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Greens to issue radiation risk study
[Two snippets on the subject - JH]
Washington (Nuclear News Flashes)--30Jan2003
Radioactive releases up to 1989 will cause 65-million deaths worldwide in
total, a report commissioned by Greens in the European Parliament
(EP)claims. The report, to be released Jan. 31 in Brussels, is by the
European Committee on Radiation Risk (ECRR), which was instructed to ignore
all previous scientific studies and reconsider radiation releases and their
relation to human diseases. Sponsoring Greens specifically rejected claims
that low radiation doses were not harmful and dismissed all previous studies
that did not find a link between increased cancer incidence and radiation.
According to the EP Greens, the ECRR study "uses a new risk assessment model
developed over the last five years" and "concludes that the present cancer
epidemic is a result of pollution from nuclear energy and of exposures to
global atmospheric weapons fallout, which peaked in the period 1959-63."
Green MEP Caroline Lucas said previous studies finding releases didn't cause
cancer clusters "was more a reflection on the research methodology than the
acclaimed safety" of nuclear. The study was funded by the Pew oundation and
environmental group Bellona.
Executive Summary at
[Check out item 12 below. It was last on the list, but probably the first
thing written, if you know what I mean. See my next post to Know_Nukes at
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Know_Nukes/messages for my very brief comments
on the subject. Probably post number 8284. - JH ]
ECRR 2003 Recommendations of the European Committee on Radiation Risk The
Health Effects of Ionising Radiation Exposure at Low Doses for Radiation
Protection Purposes. Regulators' Edition.
Executive Summary
This report outlines the committee's findings regarding the effects on human
health of exposure to ionising radiation and presents a new model for
assessing these risks. It is intended for decision-makers and others who are
interested in this area and aims to provide a concise description of the
model developed by the committee and the evidence on which it depends. The
development of the model begins with an analysis of the present risk model
of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) which is
the basis of and dominates all present radiation risk legislation. The
committee regards this ICRP model as essentially flawed as regards its
application to exposure to internal radioisotopes but for pragmatic reasons
to do with the existence of historical exposure data has agreed to adjust
for the errors in the ICRP model by defining isotope and exposure specific
weighting factors for internal exposures so that the calculation of
effective dose (in Sieverts) remains. Thus, with the new system, the overall
risk factors for fatal cancer published by ICRP and other risk agencies may
be used largely unchanged and legislation based upon these may also be used
unchanged. It is the calculation of the dose which is altered by the
committee's model.
1. The European Committee on Radiation Risk arose out of criticisms of the
risk models of the ICRP which were explicitly identified at the European
Parliament STOA workshop in February 1998; subsequently it was agreed that
an alternative view should be sought regarding the health effects of low
level radiation. The committee consists of scientists and risk specialists
from within Europe but takes evidence and advice from scientists and experts
based in other countries.
2. The report begins by identifying the existence of a dissonance between
the risk models of the ICRP and epidemiological evidence of increased risk
of illness, particularly cancer and leukaemia, in populations exposed to
internal radioactive isotopes from anthropogenic sources. The committee
addresses the basis in scientific philosophy of the ICRP risk model as
applied to such risks and concludes that ICRP models have not arisen out of
accepted scientific method. Specifically, ICRP has applied the results of
external acute radiation exposure to internal chronic exposures from point
sources and has relied mainly on physical models for radiation action to
support this. However, these are averaging models and cannot apply to the
probabilistic exposures which occur at the cell level. A cell is either hit
or not hit; minimum impact is that of a hit and impact increases in
multiples of this mimimum impact, spread over time. Thus the committee
concludes that the epidemiological evidence of internal exposures must take
precedence over mechanistic theory-based models in assessing radiation risk
from internal sources.
3. The committee examines the ethical basis of principles implicit in the
ICRP models and hence in legislation based on them. The committee concludes
that the ICRP justifications are based on outmoded philosophical reasoning,
specifically the averaging cost-benefit calculations of utilitarianism.
Utilitarianism has long been discarded as a foundation for ethical
justification of practice owing to its inability to distinguish between just
and unjust societies and conditions. It may, for example, be used to
underpin a slave society, since it is only the overall benefit which is
calculated, and not individual benefit. The committee suggests that
rights-based philosophies such as Rawls Theory of Justice or considerations
based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights should be applied to the
question of avoidable radiation exposures to members of the public resulting
from practice. The committee concludes that releases of radioactivity
without consent can not be justified ethically since the smallest dose has a
finite, if small, probability of fatal harm. In the event that such
exposures are permitted, the committee emphasises that the calculation of
'collective dose' should be employed for all practices and time scales of
interest so that overall harm may be integrated over the populations.
4. The committee believes that it is not possible accurately to determine
'radiation dose to populations' owing to the problems of averaging over
exposure types, cells and individuals and that each exposure should be
addressed in terms of its effects at the cell or molecular level. However,
in practice, this is not possible and so the committee has developed a model
which extends that of the ICRP by the inclusion of two new weighting factors
in the calculation of effective dose. These are biological and biophysical
weighting factors and they address the problem of ionisation density or
fractionation in time and space at the cell level arising from internal
point sources. In effect, they are extensions of the ICRP's use of radiation
weighting factors employed to adjust for differences in ionisation density
resulting from different quality radiations (e.g. alpha-, beta and gamma).
5. The committee reviews sources of radiation exposure and recommends
caution in attempting to gauge the effects of novel exposures by comparison
with exposures to natural radiation. Novel exposures include internal
exposures to artificial isotopes like Strontium-90 and Plutonium-239 but
also include micrometer range aggregates of isotopes (hot particles) which
may consist of entirely man-made isotopes (e.g. plutonium) or altered forms
of natural isotopes (e.g. depleted uranium). Such comparisons are presently
made on the basis of the ICRP concept of 'absorbed dose' which does not
accurately assess the consequence for harm at the cell level. Comparisons
between external and internal radiation exposures may also result in
underestimates of risk since the effects at the cell level may be
quantitatively very different.
6. The committee argues that recent discoveries in biology, genetics and
cancer research suggest that the ICRP target model of cellular DNA is not a
good basis for the analysis of risk and that such physical models of
radiation action cannot take precedence over epidemiological studies of
exposed populations. Recent results suggest that very little is known about
the mechanisms leading from cell impact to clinical disease. The committee
reviews the basis of epidemiological studies of exposure and points out that
many examples of clear evidence of harm following exposure have been
discounted by ICRP on the basis of invalid physical models of radiation
action. The committee re-instates such studies as a basis for its estimates
of radiation risk. Thus the 100-fold discrepancy between the ICRP model's
predictions and the observed cases in the Sellafield childhood leukemia
cluster becomes an estimator of risk for childhood leukemia following such
exposure. The factor is thus incorporated by the committee into the
calculation of harm from internal exposure of specific types through its
inclusion in the weighting factors used to calculate the 'effective dose' to
the children in Sieverts.
7. The committee reviews the models of radiation action at the cell level
and concludes that the 'linear no threshold' model of the ICRP is unlikely
to represent the response of the organism to increasing exposure except for
external irradiation and for certain end points in the moderately high dose
region. Extrapolations from the Hiroshima lifespan studies can only reflect
risk for similar exposures i.e. high dose acute exposures. For low dose
exposures the committee concludes, from a review of published work, that
health effects relative to the radiation dose are proportionately higher at
low doses and that there may be a biphasic dose response from many of these
exposures owing to inducible cell repair and the existence of
high-sensitivity phase (replicating) cells. Such dose-response relationships
may confound the assessment of epidemiological data and the committee points
out that the lack of a linear response in the results of epidemiological
studies should not be used as an argument against causation.
8. In further considering mechanisms of harm, the committee concludes that
the ICRP model of radiation risk and its averaging methods exclude effects
which result from anisotropy of dose both in space and in time. Thus the
ICRP model ignores both high doses to local tissue caused by internal hot
particles, and sequential hits to cells causing replication induction and
interception (second event), and merely averages all these high risk
situations over large tissue mass. For these reasons, the committee
concludes that the unadjusted 'absorbed dose' used by ICRP as a basis of
risk calculations is flawed, and has replaced it with an adjusted 'absorbed
dose' which used enhancement weightings based on the biophysical and
biological aspects of the specific exposure. In addition, the committee
draws attention to risks from transmutation from certain elements, notably
Carbon-14 and Tritium, and have weighted such exposures accordingly.
Weightings are also given to radioactive versions of elements which have a
particular biochemical affinity for DNA e.g. Strontium and Barium and to
certain Auger emitters.
9. The committee reviews the evidence which links radiation exposure to
illness on the basis that similar exposures define the risks of such
exposures. Thus the committee considers all the reports of associations
between exposure and ill health, from the A-bomb studies to weapons fallout
exposures, through nuclear site downwinders, nuclear workers, reprocessing
plants, natural background studies and nuclear accidents. The committee
draws particular attention to two recent sets of exposure studies which show
unequivocal evidence of harm from internal irradiation at low dose. These
are the studies of infant leukemia following Chernobyl, and the observation
of increased minisatellite DNA mutations following Chernobyl. Both of these
sets of studies falsify the ICRP risk models by factors of between 100 and
1000. The committee uses evidence of risk from exposures to internal and
external radiation to set the weightings for the calculation of dose in a
model which may be applied across all exposure types to estimate health
outcomes. Unlike the ICRP the committee extends the analysis from fatal
cancer to infant mortality and other causes of ill health including
non-specific general health detriment.
10. The committee concludes that the present cancer epidemic is a
consequence of exposures to global atmospheric weapons fallout in the period
1959-63 and that more recent releases of radioisotopes to the environment
from the operation of the nuclear fuel cycle will result in significant
increases in cancer and other types of ill health.
11. Using both the ECRR's new model and that of the ICRP the committee
calculates the total number of deaths resulting from the nuclear project
since 1945. The ICRP calculation, based on figures for doses to populations
up to 1989 given by the United Nations, results in 1,173,600 deaths from
cancer. The ECRR model predicts 61,600,000 deaths from cancer, 1,600,000
infant deaths and 1,900,000 foetal deaths. In addition, the ECRR predict a
10% loss of life quality integrated over all diseases and conditions in
those who were exposed over the period of global weapons fallout.
12. The committee lists its recommendations. The total maximum permissible
dose to members of the public arising from all human practices should not be
more than 0.1mSv, with a value of 5mSv for nuclear workers. This would
severely curtail the operation of nuclear power stations and reprocessing
plants, and this reflects the committee's belief that nuclear power is a
costly way of producing energy when human health deficits are included in
the overall assessment. All new practices must be justified in such a way
that the rights of all individuals are considered. Radiation exposures must
be kept as low as reasonably achievable using best available technology.
Finally, the environmental consequences of radioactive discharges must be
assessed in relation to the total environment, including both direct and
indirect effects on all living systems.
Hold the door for the stranger behind you. When the driver a
half-car-length in front of you signals to get over, slow down. Smile and
say "hi" to the folks you pass on the sidewalk. Give blood. Volunteer.
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