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Radon and MS?

Interesting abstract below - 

Remember this was just an ecologic study.  The ecologic design has many 

limitations.  In other words, the results should not be considered valid for 

risk assessment. 

Neuroepidemiology 2003;22(1):87-94

Radon: a possible risk factor in multiple sclerosis.

Bolviken B, Celius EG, Nilsen R, Strand T.

Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway.

Ecological studies in Norway, using a method for spatially moving bivariate 

correlation analysis, show that south of 65 degrees N, there are significant 

positive correlations (p < 0.01) for rates of multiple sclerosis (MS) versus 

contents of radon (Rn) in indoor air, and significant negative correlations for 

MS rates versus fallout of magnesium (Mg) and amounts of precipitation. Based 

on these data, we propose the hypothesis that the content of Rn in inhaled air 

is a risk factor in MS. The release of harmful Rn levels to the air may be 

influenced by (1) the levels of exchangeable Mg in soil, which may affect the 

soil content of the Rn precursor radium (Ra), and (2) the amounts of 

precipitation through its effects on soil moisture, which is one of the factors 

controlling Rn emanation from the soil. This hypothesis agrees with several of 

the known epidemiological characteristics of MS. Copyright 2003 S. Karger AG, 


Bill Field



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