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RE: Nova - Dirty Bombs - London Scenario question/critque
Stewart and all,
Your comments about the detection of a large source is well taken and a good
one. I also suspect that it would be easy to detect if people were alert and
ingenious enough to put all of it together.
With respect to incapacitation, wasn't the source in the Goiania accident,
about 1400 Ci, opened and dispersed without immediately incapacitating the
intial victim? I shouldn't think that it would be too difficult to imagine a
plausible - yet still not easy - scenario for dispersing CsCl in a dirty
bomb scenario. Although, I can imagine sublter, less dramatic radiological
terror acts.
Jerry Falo
How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards. - Spanish
The statements herein are entirely the fault of the author and in no way
should be interpreted as official statements of any person or organization
unless otherwise noted.
Gerald A. Falo, Ph.D., CHP
Henry M Jackson Foundation Professional Associate
United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
Health Physics Program
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