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Re: Commenting on USNRC Environmental Impact Statements
Even though I probably agree with you on LNT, I'm concerned about your
approach, particularly about your statements:
"Don't just give up and let the liars win...." You seem to brand anyone
supporting the use of LNT as a conservative basis for planning as a
"We have all the credentials...." I'm not sure who is "we," but this is
a dangerous and usually fallacious assumption.
Statements such as these are not appropriate for Radsafe.
The opinions expressed are strictly mine.
It's not about dose, it's about trust.
Curies forever.
Bill Lipton
Carol Marcus wrote:
> Dear Radsafers, including Jerry:
> ...
> Don't just give up and let the liars win.
> We have all the credentials. We should not be bashful, embarassed, or
> lazy. Let the letters flow. That's how democracy works.
> Ciao, Carol
> Carol S. Marcus, Ph.D., M.D.
> <csmarcus@ucla.edu>
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