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On credibility
Little of the credibility problems are because the public is uneducated.
It is uneducated in many other disciplines as well.
It is the bureaucratic/mafiotic crowd which distributes the money for
radiation protection which is at the bottom of the scaremongering.
I have been witnessing huge amounts of money being poured down the
drain - oops, not down the drain; down the throats of useless bureaucrats
who replicate as they get the money and result in more throats to
be poured into next time. Examples? Be my guest. Recently I got an
inquiry for a fairly big system meant to "modernize the radiation control"
of the small reactors at Kozloduy. They are about to close them all,
but why not modernize before that. During the inquiry, I managed to find
out those who had the contract (don't ask me how they got the tender
without having anything working to show) knew they did not need
anything which really works [ so I knew there was nothing for us there ].
Want more? Be welcome. The head of a local utility for radwaste has been
repeatedly buying equipment from some Russian firm. The equipment
has never worked, but who cares. The latest pearl is some HPGe
capable MCA which has been ordered about a year ago from that firm and
has yet to be introduced at all; this right after the demo
of our state-of-the-art technology, which got all the people who
knew what this equipment was really excited. Needless to say, the
overruling voice was of the groups boss - illiterate on the topic
(and careful never to attend any of our demos).
Perhaps the best I managed to overhear was, though, the fact that
a group had spent half a million US$ last year for certificates
of electronic equipment which costs less than half of this (and can be
the work of a 12-year old hobbyist at best, I saw it)...
You may think I am angry. No. I am furious!
With all the technology I have working breathlessly to stay ahead
of my US competitors I have to watch legions of useless individuals
paid for filling the offices in huge buildings take decisions on
my work!
Then try to talk credibility where there is such massive fraud.
Practically nobody cares about facts nowadays.
Third world scenario? Yes. In the first world, the wasted amounts
(wasted also to strenghten those who waste it) must be orders of magnitude
Dimiter Popoff
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